Exodus! Movement of Jah People in contemporary Ethiopia with reference to Shashemenē (a report from field research)


  • Martyna Rutkowska University of Warsaw


Ethiopia, Shashemenē, Rastafari


This work concerns Shashemenē – a city in southern Ethiopia, which is often and unofficially called the capital of the Rastafari Movement. The article contains some facts about this place and its history, description of living conditions there and the author’s personal impressions from the visit to this city. Moreover, there is a short paragraph about relations between Rastas and native Ethiopians.


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How to Cite

Rutkowska, M. (2014). Exodus! Movement of Jah People in contemporary Ethiopia with reference to Shashemenē (a report from field research). Studies in African Languages and Cultures, (48), 111–122. Retrieved from https://salc.uw.edu.pl/index.php/SALC/article/view/109


