The latest issue 57/2023 of “Studies in African Languages and Cultures” is available


Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you that the latest issue 57/2023 of “Studies in African Languages and Cultures” is available at

The content of the issue 57/2023 includes articles on socio-political topics (including factors determining group identity in multi-ethnic Darfur) and characteristics of female criminal behavior based on texts of contemporary Nigerian literature. Linguistic and cultural references are analyzed on the basis of Chichewa political texts, Bemba religious texts and texts of Hausa hip-hop culture. Linguistic topics include the comparison of the Fula and Wolof numerical systems and the phonological adaptation of Arabic names in Atebubu (the language of Ghana).

We kindly encourage you to stay in the circle of our regular Readers and Contributors. We would be glad to receive a newly released book’s review or an academic article from your research area to be published in the future issues. This is an opportunity to join the most reputable scholars in African studies who have already published in our journal.

SALC is a double-blind peer reviewed journal owned by the University of Warsaw Press and indexed in: Scopus, ERIH Plus, DOAJ, ICI, CEEOL, CEJSH, LBO Brill, CEEAS, EBSCO DS, InfoBase Index and MIAR. 

The Authors can submit their work at any time via our website. In order to be considered for the current year issue, the Authors are invited to submit their contributions before January 31st. We accept articles and books’ reviews in English, occasionally also in French and German.

Kind regards,
Editors of the SALC