About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Studies in African Languages and Cultures provides a forum for the publication of original works in various fields of African studies. Primarily focusing on African linguistics, including ethno- and sociolinguistics, it also covers African literature, African culture and history of Africa. The Journal cooperates mainly with European-based authors as well as promotes works of African researchers. 

The Journal contributes to the research based on sources in African languages.

Peer Review Process

Each article undergoes double-blind peer review process. The Reviewers are chosen among the Editorial Team members and/or from external institutions and selected for their research specialization. The Reviewers are asked to fill in the fixed review form in which they type their comments. The peer Reviewers’ assessments inform the Editor whether the article is recommend to be published in the Journal and what revisions are required from the Author(s). The judgments and findings in the peer-review process should be objective; reviewers should have no conflict of interest. Editors' acceptance decision on each submission is based on at least two positive reviews.

Publication Frequency

Articles, reviews and editorials are published collectively, as part of an issue with a unique consecutive number and table of contents. The issues are printed and uploaded on the website once a year in December.

Ethics Statement

The standards of ethics of the Journal are defined according to COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. They concern Authors, Editors, Reviewers and the Publisher.

The members of the Editorial Board, Advisory Board and the Reviewers are acquainted with the Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement of the Journal before starting the cooperation.

All manuscripts submitted to the Journal are checked in order to assure their compliance with the ethical publication standards, as well as to assess their scientific reliability and value. The Chief Editor and Warsaw University Press (the Publisher) are responsible for fulfillment of the above policy.

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement for Studies in African Languages and Cultures is available to view and download here.

Journal History

Studies of the Department of African Languages and Cultures (ISSN 0860-4649) has been published at the University of Warsaw since 1984. To further increase its international recognition, the editorial board decided to change the journal name to Studies in African Languages and Cultures (ISSN print 2545-2134, online 2657-4187), starting with the issue of 2018.

From 1984 until 2015, Journal's editorial work and publishing process were headed by Prof. dr hab. Stanisław Piłaszewicz, Editor-in-chief.