The history of railway in Ethiopia and its role in the economic and social development of this country


  • Michał Kozicki Adam Mickiewicz University


Ethiopian railway, rolling stock of the CFE company, new railway projects in Ethiopia, colonial rivalry in Ethiopia


The paper presents the history of the Ethiopian railway from its beginnings up to now. Its main aims are to inform the reader about the role that Franco-Ethiopian railway played in the economic and social development of that African country. The Ethiopian railway also played a significant role in the political relations between the Empire and the Western powers. In this article the rolling stock of the Ethiopian railway is described thoroughly, which is  often overlooked in other publications. The fate of the Ethiopian railway is examined against a background of the crucial historical events in Ethiopia so that the reader could understand not only the factors that contributed to its length and equipment but also its function in the Ethiopian economy and in changing the social relations among the Ethiopian nations.


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How to Cite

Kozicki, M. (2015). The history of railway in Ethiopia and its role in the economic and social development of this country. Studies in African Languages and Cultures, (49), 143–170. Retrieved from


