Transitive L verbs (grade 2) and transitive H verbs (grades 1, 4, 5 and 6) in Hausa verbal compounds




Hausa, verbal compounds, (modified) grade system


This paper examines Hausa verbal compounds in terms of the division of regular verbs (verbs in the “grade system”) into verbs which have a High or Low tone first syllable. The focus of the paper is the surprisingly small number of transitive L-verbs (verbs beginning with a Low tone – “grade 2”) and their limited use of compound markers which contrasts strongly with the frequency of transitive H-verbs (verbs beginning with a High tone) and their markers. I also describe several devices (e.g. grade-switching and covert subjects) which “allow” the formation of verbal compounds with transitive L-verbs.


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How to Cite

McIntyre, J. (2020). Transitive L verbs (grade 2) and transitive H verbs (grades 1, 4, 5 and 6) in Hausa verbal compounds. Studies in African Languages and Cultures, (54), 9–34.


