Does Hausa really have infixation?


  • Bello S. Y. Al-Hassan Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria


Hausa, infixation


Hausa is often indicated with the three most common types of affix, viz. prefix, infix and suffix. Whereas the  availableness of prefixes and suffixes in the language is not in doubt, that of infixes may have resulted from erroneous perspectives. The so-called infixes in Hausa are, in truth, a relay of suffixes that became obscured by phonology or deletion, envisaged parallactically as infixation. In two other instances, infixation either arose as a simple case of unscrupulous use of terminology or was established on a seemingly irrelevant premise, namely the non-occurrence of a tonal phenomenon. Conclusively, the existence of infixation in Hausa is extraevidential, and therefore questionable.


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How to Cite

Al-Hassan, B. S. Y. (2011). Does Hausa really have infixation?. Studies in African Languages and Cultures, (45), 7–21. Retrieved from


