Numeral systems of Fula and Wolof: A comparison of morphosyntactic characteristics




Fula, Wolof, numerals, syntax, language contact


The paper presents an overview of Fula and Wolof numeral systems. Fula is represented by six major lects, for which cardinal, ordinal, distributive, fraction, and human forms of numerals are analyzed. Wolof is the closest relative of Fula, and for this language cardinal and ordinal numeral systems are also analyzed. Apart from the numerals themselves, the syntax of the noun phrase which contains a numeral is analyzed for each language. The language contacts and borrowings are also included in the analysis.


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How to Cite

Kosogorova, M. A. (2023). Numeral systems of Fula and Wolof: A comparison of morphosyntactic characteristics. Studies in African Languages and Cultures, (57), 141–174.


