Historical records from Ethiopia: A trilingual document from Aṣbi Däbrä Gännät Səllase, Təgray.


  • Denis Nosnitsin Hamburg University


Gospel, manuscripts, Amharic, Tigray


The article deals with a few documents from the “Golden Gospels” of Aṣbi Səllase, the main church of the town of Aṣbi, Təgray. The church was founded by dağğazmač Subagadis, one of the main political figures of the turbulent “Era of Judges”, for his youngest son Gwangwəl, in 1825-26. The “Golden Gospel” book of Aṣbi Səllase preserves the foundational charter of the church written, unusually, in Amharic, with a few Arabic and Coptic passages, as well as a number of documents concerning the tributes and benefits of the church, and more than 200 other additiones.


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How to Cite

Nosnitsin, D. (2007). Historical records from Ethiopia: A trilingual document from Aṣbi Däbrä Gännät Səllase, Təgray. Studies in African Languages and Cultures, (41), 17–47. Retrieved from https://salc.uw.edu.pl/index.php/SALC/article/view/473


