Ethnic diversity and its impact on group identification in Darfur




Darfur, tribe, Sudan, Fur, Baggara, Dajo, Rizeigat, Tunjur, Zaghawa, Masalit


This study addresses historical and cultural problems of man’s identity and ethnic origin in the Darfur region, famous for its cultural role throughout history. This subject deserves particular academic attention in order to understand the structure and identity of the Darfurian cultural features, their dimensions and characteristics viewed from different perspectives. The article explores the rich and complex centuries-old history of the Darfur region, including the rise and fall of various kingdoms and political entities, as well as the impact of external influences such as Arab immigration and the spread of Islam, besides studying the habitats of different ethnic groups, their culture, language, traditions, and the relationships between them. It shows that the cultural differences and identity based on being a member of a certain tribe are the key factors in shaping history and the complicated situation of Darfur today.


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How to Cite

Karamalla-Gaiballa, N., & Rubinkowska-Anioł, H. (2023). Ethnic diversity and its impact on group identification in Darfur. Studies in African Languages and Cultures, (57), 9–33.




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